Some Facts About Satta Matka You Must Know


Initially based on the bets on closing and opening rates of natural based cotton, Satta Matka has many things that are left uncovered for general people to know. For example, do you know that the bookies started selecting numbers at random based on their signs!

 At the Cotton Exchange of New York, there exists an earthenware vessel called a Matka where it all started and the name of the game precisely came from this.

 Without further ado, let’s see what else are the basic founding things that have made this type of gambling omnipotent and bright among peers for all generations.

 Also, if you are interested in playing, visit and see the different types of gambling and betting games you might have not heard of. Believe it or not, there still exists a valid form of playmaking in India because of physical centres being moved from one place to another.

 What started as a simple guessing game gathered cult following because of the excitement and luck that comes with the working class of people. Initially, the hope that constitutes that started as a part time now has career changing roles in people of all ages.

Started As A Bet

 Workers in the textile mill felt that the cost of the cotton can be guessed before the closing. This started as a power among the group and as a matter of reputation of who has more experience in the work. Word spread across and people that initially did not even work in the mill started betting on people that guessed the right cost of the cotton.

 However, it didn’t take time to reach the popularity of the game to other regions of Bombay (now Mumbai). The cotton exchange values in New York were replaced with a number system that ended with picking the right ticket number in the Matka.

Size Of The Pots

 In the past, enormous pots (Matka) were used to draw the numbers. Here a term originated that resembled the native language of the worker. Raaja (King) came into existence. The game dealer was referred to as Matka King which replaced the previous name of “Ankada Jugar”. Eventually that name was finalised into Satta Matka. The pot being the centre of attraction and the number of tickets being the primary source of concern.

Prices On Teleprinter

 In the 1850s, the textile workers used teleprinters to see the opening and closing cotton rates with a much better clarity of the next day prices by following the trend. Things started to take shape when the teleprinter sent from New York was replaced with a newer form of communication up until 1961 to put a stop to the practice.

Act Of Gamble

 When things got out of hand, the Indian government started to crack down on low dealing and basically every gambling game that resembled a Matka at the centre. Since it was too well-liked to be abandoned, the game tightly held to the fundamental principles of largely chosen random numbers for further justification. Finally, the game was prohibited due to this act stating that the players could face legal issues if continuing to place and hold live areas where others can participate.This also found a flaw in the writing of the act and people started to misuse the two issues of playing and participating. Now players can join across the Internet to take part in online lottery sites with one hope of winning in small risks and reward situations.

Anti-Fraud Software

 Authorised online lotteries were the answer to the initial question of transforming the gaming into digital grounds. But there was a catch - an anti-fraud software developed by the people at the Indian government prevented people from participating into rooms of online websites that were shady and those where IPs can be traced and removed.

 What started as an obsolete act finally caught the wind of stopping this activity from the Indian online grounds as well. Performing Matka physically through Indian dealers felt a safer option because people with power cannot be stopped and removed.

Matka Variations

 Depending on the region and the person behind the invention of the game, like Indian political parties, Matka also garnered different symbols and names that resulted into different variants.

 The numbers were changed, the probability of winning the lotteries were also changed but one thing remained intact was the betting system founded on the base of the pot should be intact.

 This, in fact, led to many speculations and findings about different transformations that have taken place after all these years. What can be seen though, is the name of the game can be different but the playmaking style can be traced back to its original routes of picking a number and hoping that it comes out of the Matka.

  1. Rajdhani Matka
  2. Kalyan Matka
  3. Matka 420
  4. Matka BOSS
  5. Prabhat Satta Matka

 These are some of the variations that can be found and played here at the along with online casinos and other gaming establishments.

Just luck or something else?

 There are several types of gambling that rely on skill and luck, but at first glance Satta Matka is not one of them. A game that revolves — literally — picking up numbers from a bowl which is naturally considered by most people to be a game of pure chance.

 Without numbers: there are more chances of being president of the government than of winning the pot. Therefore, the first step to get closer to the pot is to reduce the number of odds.

 Carry out a series of calculations that, based on the odd and even patterns and their chances of winning, make it clear that the ideal pattern should be: three odd numbers and two even numbers that will be subsequently changed as per the probabilities change over time.

 Once this is done, it compares the estimated frequency of each odd pattern with the actual one. When doing a similar calculation with the rest of the odd or even patterns, the real pot draw would have been three odd numbers and two even numbers. A predictable pattern will emerge sooner or later.